Over the Christmas holiday Big Brother was moved from what is now Baby Sissy's room to his 'brand new' big boy room (former guest room). We painted the walls in a khaki color so that we could use the bold primary colors w/out overwhelming the space. Although the room is not huge it feels more spacious with its vaulted ceilings.

Eventually we'd like to get him a bed similar to this one except in white. I like the idea of a trundle for future sleep overs with his buddies and for when we have guests.
My husband made the little table modeled after the PBKs Carolina table. The little red chairs I picked up at an antique store in Iowa and decided to spray paint red to match his room. They are old school chairs and I bought them for only $15 for both!
The blue chair in the back ground is a garage sale find. It too was quite a deal, it swivels and rocks and I picked it up and another matching chair for under $25 total. The chair was a horrendous orange velvet but it has great bones and was in good condition so I had it slip covered and ta-da it's new again!
The little 'A' pillow was a recent find at the Home Goods store. If you have a Home Goods store in your area you really do need to check it out. There are some great finds to be had but it is the type of store you need to frequent as the selection changes constantly.
Eventually I'd like to add some gallery style white frames along the wall on the right (next to the table) for Big Brothers art projects. He's already bringing home some cute pictures done at daycare! (Shall we pause for a proud momma moment?) :)
As with nearly every room in my home this one continues to evolve. The overall feel is there but I have plenty of tweaking I'd like to do in the future. For example, there is a large plant shelf above the closet that is a bit of an awkward space. I think I'd like to start slowly collecting some vintage globes at antique and junk stores for the plant shelf. Not only would they look great grouped together but they could be used educationally too.
I'll be sure to post some additional views of his room in the future and pictures of any tweaking I do to the room.
Hope everyone is having a great start to their week!
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